Engelsk B

Digital eksamensopgave med adgang til internettet

Februar 2015

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Opgave 1-6
  • I opgave 6 skal du vælge enten opgave A, opgave B eller opgave C

Tekster til opgave 6:
Opgave 6 A:
“Family Tree”, a short story by Sarah Salway, 2006.

Opgave 6 B:
The texts focus on English as a global language.
“The World’s English Mania”, a TED talk by Jay Walker, TED website, 2009.
“Learn English online: How the internet is changing language”, an article by Jane O’Brien, BBC News website, 2012.

Opgave 6 C:
“We Were Awesome”, a short film by Jesse Coane, Short of the Week website, 2013.

Vejledning til opgaverne og skabelon
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-6 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Toolbox i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-6.

Alle hjælpemidler er tilladt ved besvarelse af opgavesættet. Kommunikation med omverdenen er ikke tilladt.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Den generelle, overordnede skabelon for en henvisning til internetmateriale

Author, “Title”. Site, medium. Date accessed. [Link].

Artikel fra internettet med forfatter
Kate Abbey-Lambertz, “Big Sean Gives Back to Hometown Detroit, Hands Out School Supplies to Students”. Huffington Post website. Viewed 8-8-2013.

Artikel fra internettet uden forfatter
“The Civil War and emancipation”. PBS website. Viewed 6-6-2014.

Opslag på internettet
“Emancipation Proclamation”. Wikipedia website. Viewed 6-6-2014.

Video på internettet
ABC News, “Obama’s Historic Pro-Gay Marriage Stance”. YouTube website. Viewed 27-4-2014.
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_RkoMDv3fE]. (3:10-3:22)


Oplysninger om kilderne til de enkelte tekster findes i teksternes manchetter på opgavesiderne.
Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Opgave 1

Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præteritum (datid) i nedenstående tekst, og omskriv dem til præsens (nutid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og markér verberne (udsagnsordene) tydeligt som i eksemplet.

Eksempel: It began to rain…

It begins to rain…

It began to rain as I walked along Junction Road and passed the chip shop opposite the tube station. There were no customers inside, but one of the men behind the counter stared at me as he diced cabbage. For some reason this scene seemed so ridiculous that I burst out laughing.

Mr 7-Eleven didn’t look up from his magazine as I entered, but I got the feeling that he saw me anyway. Simon had a job working behind the till of an all-night garage. […] While working night-shifts, he discovered an uncanny ability to predict the make and the colour of the next car to pull up onto the petrol station forecourt. It was pure rubbish, of course, but, I supposed, it was possible to find out all manner of strange things about yourself if you spent all that time on your own while the rest of the world was sleeping.

Mike Gayle. My Legendary Girlfriend. 1998.   

Opgave 2

Indsæt apostrof, hvor det er nødvendigt. Markér dine apostroffer tydeligt med en understregning som vist i eksemplet.

“N o w   t h a t   w e ’ r e   h e r e,  w e l l  h a v e   t o   f i n d   a   r o o m.   Y o u   w o u l d n t   k n o w   a  n i c e   p l a c e,  
w o u l d   y o u?   I t d   h a v e   t o   b e   f o r   u s   a n d  t h e   d o g,   t o o,”   M a r i a  s a y s.  T h e   d o g s  w a g g i n g
i t s   t a i l   h o p e f u l l y.
     “I d   s u g g e s t   t h e   S e a m a n s   M i s s i o n,”  J o e  r e p l i e s.   “I l l   a s k   E r n e s t   w h o s   i n  c h a r g e 
d o w n   t h e r e.   S h o u l d n t   b e   a   p r o b l e m.”
     “T h e   S e a m a n s   M i s s i o n …   w h a t s   t h a t,”   M a r i a   w a n t s  t o   k n o w.
     “O h,   i t s   s o r t  o f   a n   o l d   s o c i a l  c l u b,  b u t   i t   d o e s n t   p l a y  a n y   p a r t  i n   p e o p l e s   l i v e s
a n y m o r e.”
     “L e t s   c h e c k   i t   o u t,”   M a r i a s   h u s b a n d   s a y s.

Andrea Heiberg. Next Stop: Sejer Island. 2011.   

Opgave 3

Lyt til podcasten og skriv eksempler fra optagelsen på følgende ordklasser:
  • 3 substantiver (navneord)
  • 3 præpositioner (forholdsord)
  • 3 pronominer (stedord)

The podcast is an interview with a young woman, Claudia Harris, who studies public relations (PR).

Opgave 4

The sentences below, which are from two different texts, have been jumbled.

Connect the sentences so that they form two texts.

a) When I was just a teen he told me about those bloody hands with a serious, unfeeling pride
b) but because this is new, unfamiliar technology,
c) However, I have found that most English people, if asked, agree
d) while to play was to play.
e) And he meant to work – digging ditches, shovelling shit for pennies until the flesh on your hands peeled back in red strips.
f) that talking loudly about banal business while on a train is rude and inconsiderate.
g) To work, my grandfather said, was to work,
h) Suddenly, almost everyone in England has a mobile phone,
i) that seemed awesome to me, a boy in school, the son of a lawyer.
j) there are no set rules of etiquette governing when, how and in what manner these phones should be used.

Opgave 5

Write a text (50-75 words) to match the photo and include all the words from the list below. You are not allowed to change the words.

family – parent’s – ideally – advice – joyfully – perfectly – expectations

Opgave 6

  • Answer one of the assignments: A, B or C.
  • Answer all the questions in the assignment that you choose.
  • Write separate answers to each question.
  • The total length of your paper must be 700-900 words.

Assignment A

  1. Write a summary of “Family Tree” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “Family Tree”. You must focus on the relationships between the characters.

    Include the following words and phrases in your essay:
    main character, setting, title, main theme

  3. Taking your starting point in the short story, discuss how a family should deal with conflicts.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below.

  4. because, on the other hand, such as, in spite of, unlike, although, as a consequence of, in other words

All sources must be documented.

Sarah Salway, “Family Tree”, a short story, 2006.

Assignment B

The texts in this assignment focus on English as a global language.
  1. Write a summary of “Learn English online: How the internet is changing language” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “Learn English online: How the internet is changing language” and “The World’s English Mania”. You must focus on the role of the English language in the world today.

    Include the following words and phrases in your essay:
    language, argument, medium, intention

  3. Taking your starting point in “The World’s English Mania”, discuss the pros and cons of English as a global language.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below.

  4. because, on the other hand, such as, in spite of, unlike, although, as a consequence of, in other words

All sources must be documented.

Jane O’Brien, “Learn English online: How the internet is changing language”, an article from BBC News website, December 4, 2012.

Jay Walker, “The World’s English Mania”, a TED talk from TED website, 2009.

Assignment C

  1. Write a summary of “We Were Awesome” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “We Were Awesome”. You must focus on the relationship between the characters.

    Include the following words and phrases in your essay:
    title, framing, atmosphere, setting

  3. Taking your starting point in the short film, discuss what it takes to make a friendship last.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below.

  4. because, on the other hand, such as, in spite of, unlike, although, as a consequence of, in other words

All sources must be documented.

Jesse Coane, “We Were Awesome”, a short film, 2013.


Hent skabelonen til besvarelsen i menuen til venstre. Den indeholder sidehoved til dine eksamensoplysninger og felter til besvarelse af opgaverne. Husk at udfylde sidehovedet.


Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):

Sarah Salway. “Family Tree”. Leading the Dance. Bristol: Bluechrome Publishing, 2006.

Jay Walker. “The World’s English Mania”. TED website, March 4, 2014, viewed September 2014.

Jane O’Brien. “Learn English online: How the internet is changing language”. BBC News website, December 14, 2012, viewed September 2014. (www.bbc.com)

Jesse Coane. “We Were Awesome”. 2013. Short of the Week website, April 1, 2014, viewed September 2014. (www.shortoftheweek.com)

Mike Gayle. My Legendary Girlfriend. Flame, 1998.

Andrea Heiberg. Next Stop: Sejer Island. London: Salt Publishing, 2011.

“Interview with Claudia Harris”. Soundcloud website, February 4, 2014, viewed September 2014.

John T. Price. “Good Workers”. Eds. Judith Kitchen & Mary Paumier Jones. In Brief. Short Takes on the Personal. New York: W.W. Norton, 1999.

Kate Fox. Watching the English. London: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 2004.

Image credit: “Family Portrait”. Photo. Family Picture Ideas website. Viewed September 2014.

Image credit: “Users check Facebook in the Philippines”. Photo AFP, BBC website. Viewed September 2014.